Funny Captions


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Winner: Jeff: "RAaaaooooRRR I'm Jeff Hardy, YouR PReTty Does Your Hair Taste Like wood chips?" Lillian: "Oh My Gawd, why did I turn down CNN? WHY WHY WHY!!!" Submitted by Anne:
Honorable Mention:

Jeff:"I think I'm gonna hurl!" Matt: "Come on Man, She's doesn't look THAT bad!" Submitted by Sara

Jeff:"Hey Lillian,do u know if any of the other guys are smoking some weed because I feel so 4:20! I feel so lightheaded! Do my eyes look dialated?" Submitted by DDomer

Jeff: "Lillian, you really shouldn't wear that purfume, you know i'm allergic to it!" Submitted by Nikki

Winner: "Aww man! I think I lost a nut!" Submitted by Sara
Honourable Mention:

"Ow my hernia... sorry couldn't resist" Submitted by aHo.

Jeff:"Oh My Goodness! Did some1 replace my Johnson's & Johnson's Baby Powder
with Itching Powder? My crotch is so damn itchy! My crotch won't stop itching me! Help! Ah,there we go. I think I just got aroused there for a minute!" Submitted by DDomer

"I'll trade you Lita and Matt fot a pack of Tums." Submitted by HardySpiderChick18

"Uhh....that table gave me a HUGE weggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Submitted by Leah

Jeff: "Oh, ohhhh yeah , just a little to the
-- uhm -- LEFT!~ HAH! GOT YAH!!!" Submitted by Anne

"Damn Viagra!" Submitted by NighttimeNikki