Funny Captions


Pictures 2

Here are some pics waiting for your funny captions!

Winner: Christian-"If I pawn the necklace, then I can ...BUY US SOME MORE REMBRANDT! I am SOOOOOOOO the smart one of the team!" Submitted by Anne
Honorable Mention:

Christian: "Too bad Adam doesn't see that HUGE spider on his shoulder."
Edge: "Too bad Jay doesn't know he has a HUGE pimple on his forehead." Submitted by Kacy.

Christian: "Oh My God Egde, look at her butt, it's so big."
Edge: "I know, I'm trying to take a picture here if ya don't mind!" Submitted by Sara Williams
Winner: Christian: "Cavities Matt! You have to brush your teeth everyday or you will get cavities!" Matt: "Would you just hurry the hell up!" Submitted by Kacy
Honorable Mention:

Christian: "And as President of the Dental Health Club in Canada I can say those are the darndest molars I have ever see, Matt." Submitted by Anne.

Matt: "Christian do I still have bad breath???"
Christian: "Yes.....ugh Let me help you." Submitted by HardyzSwantonGrl

Winner: Kat: "Then Shane told me that he saw Christian brushing Matt's teeth -" Jeff: "Wait a minute, Christian was brushing MATT'S teeth. What the hell it was MY turn to get my teeth brushed!" Submitted by Anne
Honorable Mention:

Jeff: "Kat, can you PLEASE get that piece of brocolli out between my teeth?" Submitted by Kristy Lynn Hardy.

Jeff: I walk in the store, hold the gun up like this and say "Give
me the money!"?
The Kat: No Jeff, it's "Show me the money!" Submitted by Kacy

Kat: Now how do you do that gun thing??
Jeff: Like this *shows her*
Kat: Why don't you try this? *tries to do something* Submitted by HardyzSwantonGrl

Winner: Jeff: "And this is what I look like when punks in WCW steal my move!" Submitted by Kacy
Honorable Mention:

Jeff: "Raorrrr! I'm Super-Side-Show-Freak! I will
scare you with my new gimmick and you shall all feel
the wrath of the Ghetto Gangrel!" Submitted by Anne.

Jeff: "Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee. I'm as pretty as can be!" Submitted by Sara Williams

Winner: "well ladies, would it impress you if i was this long and this big around?" Submitted by Gecko
Honorable Mention:

Edge:"WAAASSSSSUUUPPPP! Hey my peeps! It's Adam Copeland in da house!!! Sorry,for those of you without the benefit of the Internet,it's Edge." Submitted by DDomer.

"Oh my god you guys....we need a cool hand thing..or I will go CRAZY trying to
remember everyone elses!!!!!!!!!!" Submitted by Hardyzswantongrl.

"Omg .. LIKE DUH!!!" Submitted by Anne

<----Winner: "A Honka Honka Swing Daddy Woo! We are soooooooooo sexy fat Elvis's!" Submitted by Anne
Honorable Mention:

Edge: "Boy,do I feel like a moron! Look at these pants...they are SO not
me.They are totally huge on me! Oh and this wig is SO not me!"
Christian: "I SO feel like Disco Duck! This outfit makes me look SO fat that
it is SO not cool!" Submitted by DDomer

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